The Pointless Project

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We, at the Party Escort Beans Laboratories, are happy to present you our latest project: The Pointless Project. We know the name can be misleading; it's not actually the project itself that is pointless. The point of this project is to make an entire recreation of THIS wiki, with the pages changed to be... absolutely pointless. Don't worry, we're not actually going to edit all the pages to delete the information!
— Party Escort Bot equal Beans
The Pointless Project's point is to make information pointless, and the project itself is useless.
— Employee #512911418
Think about it: If that thing is important, why don't I know about it?

A wiki in a wiki. WIKICEPTION!!!

The Pointless Project is a project started at the Party Escort Beans Laboratories. Its point is to make an entire recreation of the wiki this Mini-Wiki is in (or simply the Unofficial Portal wiki), with the pages changed to be absolutely pointless.